Sunday 25 December 2011

The Lord's Prayer in Dutch

MERRY CHRISTMAS, everyone!!! :-)

From Natal 2011

Let me share with you this special gift from my friend Raquel.

From Natal 2011

She printed in the same paper an image from The Creation of Adam of Michelangelo as well as the Lord's prayer. She placed it then in this frame, so that I would know how to pray "Our Father" in Dutch. Very sweet of her!
A couple of months ago, we met at the Begijnhof in Amsterdam and we decided at the last minute to attend a Mass in Dutch. Generally the priests talk slower, so I wondered if I would be able to understand a Mass in Dutch. Soon, I realized I couldn't. I was not (and I'm still not) aware of the Dutch religious vocabulary. I also realized that I didn't even know the Lord's Prayer ...
A couple of weeks after, in our next outing, Raquel gave me this frame. :-)
Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus. I think it's the perfect moment to share the Lord's prayer in Dutch with you. :-)

Onze Vader 

Onze Vader, die in de hemel zijt,
Uw naam worde geheiligd,
Uw Rijk kome,
Uw wil geschiede op aarde zoals in Hemel,
Geef ons heden ons dagelijks brood,
en vergeef ons onze schuld,
zoals ook wij aan anderen hun schuld vergeven,
en leid ons niet in bekoring,
maar verlos ons van het kwade.


Listen to the Onze Vader sung in Dutch ....:-) This music is very cheerful! ;-))


And in Portuguese... ;-)

From Natal 2011

Pai Nosso

Pai Nosso, que estais no Céu
Santificado seja o Vosso Nome,
Venha a nós o Vosso Reino,
Seja feita a Vossa vontade,
assim na Terra como no Céu,
O Pão Nosso de cada dia nos dai hoje,
Perdoai-nos as nossas ofensas,
assim como nós perdoamos
a Quem nos tem ofendido,
e não nos deixeis cair em tentação,
Mas livrai-nos do Mal.



ana said...

Lindo Sandra,
Obrigada pelos votos que lá deixaste!
Uma visita rápida para desejar uns dias felizes e acima de tudo um Ano que se aproxima melhor que o actual!
Beijinhos. :)

Unknown said...

What a sweeet present to give out. I managed some time ago to find the Lord's prayer in Dutch but I haven't yet been able to find a book or guide with the entire Mass in it to be able to follow. Maybe your friend Raquel knows about this?
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Sandra! Lovely photos, as usual.
Besinhos :D